Escape the sun this summer!


It’s finally here! We’ve endured a lot of capricious weather in 2018, from bitter rain to even the occasional snow drift, from murky clouds to wind so strong it could blow your head clean off – but now spring has finally sprung, and summer is just around the meteorological corner. Hopefully you’ve already gone for a stroll through the park, played tennis on a lawn, and built a sandcastle – on a beach, in the middle of the road, who cares? It’s hot!

On days like these, it’s easy to think of outdoor fun, and besides some seasonal outdoor experiences (stay tuned to our newsletter!) an escape room is almost exclusively an indoor event. After all, you can’t have a room without walls, and why would you want to be cooped up in a superhero’s base or a broken-down space station in the middle of summer?

However,  it turns out that an escape room is actually the perfect complement to a day in the sun. Here are a few of the reasons why you should think about playing a room this summer.

Test that brain

According to science, spending too long in the sun can melt your brain-goo (Ref: Dr Aquila Mind, mad scientist). But seriously, many typical summer activities lack the fulfilling mental workout an escape room can provide. I’ve been to a lot of barbecues, but none of them have ever asked me to figure out a code, repeat a complex sequence, or dig around in the coal ash for a secret key. Good thing, too, since the coal ash is still really hot, but the point is that an escape room allows you to flex your brain in a way few other summer events can.

Get the whole gang together

Escape rooms are a team spot, and while you only need two people at Can You Escape? to play, the more the merrier! And when are people more free, and more willing to dive into new experiences? Summer! From everything to birthday parties, corporate breaks from the office, and old friends reconnecting, people come to us for many reasons, but the long and short of it is that people love to work as a team and have fun. Get everyone together while you can, and have a memorable experience this summer.

Save on sunscreen

As lovely as the warm weather is, it’s just not healthy to be slapped across the face all day by the sun. Why not take an hour to head inside and save your skin? But instead of sitting around, staring longingly out of the window while that sunburn recovers, spend your time having fun by solving puzzles and basking in the cool breeze of the fan we have in each of our rooms. Come for the fan, stay for the fun.

The dreaded school holidays...

Another school year has gone by in the blink of an eye and already we’re facing six whole weeks we need to fill with activities. For something memorable and a fantastic bonding experience, get the family together and tackle an escape room together. Our rooms are suitable for both adults and children, so why not make their dreams come true and let them become a spy, astronaut, or superhero for the day? We expect to get busy over the holiday, so book yourself in now to avoid disappointment!

Beat the exam stress

Similarly, for our older students, the exam stress is finally over and it’s time to enjoy some time off from your studies! However, it’s important to keep those brains working properly for heading back next term, so gather your teammates and see if you can get onto our leader board as well as the exam board! Don’t forget that if you make a booking between Mondays and Thursday, you can receive 20% off using the code CYEstudent when booking online - just remember to bring along a valid student card when you arrive for your game.

Of course, it’s always a good time to do an escape room, regardless of the weather. But before you don that sun hat, and heave that deck chair under your arm, think about trying something new this summer. Even though it’s indoors, you just can’t afford to miss out.