Trick or Treat yo' self this Hallowe'en!


Of course, we’re a little biased, but here at Can You Escape? we reckon Hallowe’en is a perfect time to visit an escape room. Here are five reasons why!

😨 What’s spookier than being locked in a room?

As far as settings for a Hallowe’en trip out goes, being trapped in a locked room trying desperately to escape is surely up there as one of the best! Our escape games are immersive and atmospheric, meaning you’ll think you’ve really arrived in Avalon to battle Morgana, or you’re actually stuck in Dr Mind’s evil abode trying to save the city of York...

🍬 Escape the trick or treaters

Some people love hearing their doorbell go on Hallowe’en, knowing there are expectant mini witches, ghosts, and werewolves looking for their next sugar fix in exchange for a terrible joke. Others… not so much. If you’re a “turn off the lights and pretend to be out” kind of person, why not take the opportunity to get out the house for the evening and play an escape game instead!

👻 Be kids again!

Hallowe’en seems to have a reputation as more of a holiday for children, but we say “boo” to that. Come along and play one of our rooms and behave like kids again - we’ll even do the tidying up after you! Dressing up is completely optional, but encouraged.

❄️ The weather’s getting colder

For some, October only means one thing: summer is well and truly over and winter is fast approaching. If you’re at a loss as to what to do on a chilly morning, afternoon, or evening, why not warm up aboard the International Space Station in Operation Odyssey, or inside Force Four’s cosy superhero lair in Operation Hero?

🎃 Don’t miss our special event!

If you’ve been waiting to visit Can You Escape? and you’re a Hallowe’en lover, this year is the perfect time to book. For the first time we’re going all out for the spookiest time of the year: from the 30th of October to the 1st of November, we’re decorating our rooms, possibly adding a few surprises, and running special “Trick or Treat” versions of our games. Take the chance and pull a treat card, and you might get some extra time on the clock. Pull a trick card, you could find yourself without any clues from your Games Master for the first third of your game… but don’t worry; either way, there’ll be sweets for everyone!

Escape Team Building